
Interpreter and Translator

to/from English or Spanish

Note: Q’eqchi’ (or Kekchi) is spoken in Guatemala and Belize, and is often confused with other languages that are spoken in Guatemala such as K’iche’ and Kaqchikel, or even with languages that are not spoken in Guatemala, such as Quechua and Quichua,.

I’m Mike, a Q’eqchi’ linguist who has been deeply involved with the language since 2003.

Mike’s Bio

2009: BA Linguistics

2022: MA Linguistics

2003 - 2005: Learned Kekchi as a missionary in the Alta Verapaz region of Guatemala

2005 - present: Regular collaboration with native Kekchi speakers to produce content in the Kekchi language, including scriptures, hymns, and other church materials. See link for samples.

2012 - 2019: Founded and directed the Kekchi Choir. See video 1 and video 2.

2019 - 2022: Created and taught first Kekchi course at an American university (Brigham Young University).

2020 - present: Providing remote and in-person interpretation for Kekchi speakers in the United States (legal, medical, and social work)